Tan Tips- The Basics

Let’s get our tan on!!

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It goes without saying that I am more than a little tan obsessed. I am naturally very pale, in fact, I am basically blue. Its so weird, whenever I put tan on people instantly comment saying how healthy I look. Does that mean I look unhealthy without tan. RUDE! ( Lol!) For full transparency, I am a brand ambassador for Bellamianta. This blog is not part of my agreement with them and if you have been following for a long time you will know I was using Bellamianta long before I was an ambassador. I legit love it. That said, todays top tips you could probably use with your tan brand of choice. I am going to break the blog down into 3 sections. Prep for tan, Applying tan and tan removal. So lets jump right in.

Prep for tan:

  1. All shaving and hair removal should be done 24/48 hours before applying any tan. This gives time for pores to close etc. before applying tan !

  2. Exfoliation is the most important step to self tanning. You need to make sure you remove all dead skin cells so the tan can bronze you beautiful. Make sure to give some extra attention to what I like to call the EVIL areas. Elbows, knees, ankles, feet and hands are the the hardest part to get right. Give an extra exfoliate to these areas as they are usually extra dry.

  3. When it’s time to tan have a quick shower and just use water. That’s it! No shower gel, no deodorant after and no body lotion just good clean skin.

  4. Moisturiser on the EVIL areas. Pop a little bit of a simple but rich moisturiser on these areas before tanning. This will firstly hydrate the these drier areas and secondly act as a barrier so the tan doesn’t stick in these areas.

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Applying Tan

  1. Moisturiser we have already applied on the drier areas so we are ready to get the tan on.

  2. Make sure to have the following ready to rock.

    • Your tan of choice ( my fave is Bellamianta rapid mousse)

    • A tan mitt

    • Some face wipes ( hate face wipes but they are good for any mistakes while tanning )

    • A light face moisturiser + a face powder brush

  3. Start by applying your tan to your legs first ( skip your feet for the moment) Apply the tan to the mitt and pat it on in three dots up the leg and then start to spread it out. Use circular motions to apply allover and work up the body.

  4. Once you have done the legs move up and do the tummy, torso and arms. ( Again, skip the hands, and face.

  5. The back is a nightmare. I have tried many tools to do my back myself but to be honest the best thing to do is to find someone…… anyone to pop a little on your back. Its one only advantages to living with someone. Lol!

  6. On your mitt mix 50% moisturiser with 50% tan as a little mixture on you tan mitt. Use your powder brush to apply this on your hands, feet and face using a buffing motion .

  7. Loose clothing is a must. In fact, if you have the opportunity to run around in the nip for an hour then power to you.

  8. Don’t panic !!! What you have applied and see initially is just the guide colour. This is not the actual colour. So as long as it applied allover it does not need to look perfect at this stage.

  9. Depending on what tan you are using you may or may not need to leave it on for up to 8 hours. The rapid mousse you can get a light colour from in 2 hours, medium colour in 4 hours and a deep tan from 6-8 hours, If I have the time, I will leave it on for the full eight and sleep in it.

  10. Before bed I wash my hands after the tan has been on them for up to 3 hours.

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Rapid Mousse

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Gradual Tan

Use code MARK15 for 15% off (#AF)

Maintain that Tan:

  1. Shower the next day and then let the hydration begin. Moisturising the skin after tan daily is important. It will help with the longevity of your tan. Try using an oil free body moisturiser as oil breaks down the tan.

  2. One or two days after tanning I start using a gradual tan over to prolong the look of your tan. I use the Bellamianta gradual as it has a good high DHA.

  3. If you have any areas that loose tan super quick I will use an instant tan on those areas if I need to look bronzed and beautiful a few days after application

  4. As I do a pretty good cleanse morning and night on my face I loose my tan their pretty quick so usually a 3 or 4 days after I will just redo my face.

Removing Tan:

  1. There is no denying removal can be tough. I have tried all the removers there are out there but the reality is that is takes a few washes.

  2. If you have a super problem area use the likes of Johnsons baby oil which will accelerate the break down of the tan.

  3. I use 2 products to break down my tan. I use the iconic bronze tan remover. I applying layer and leave it on for 10 mins and then with our showering I put on another layer for 10 mins before I shower.

  4. In the shower I pop on the Bellamianta Triple Glycolic Scrub to get the remaining tan off and then I am fresh ready to start again.

As a nation we fricken love a bit of tan so I hope this run down has been helpful . If you have any other questions feel free to leave them in the comments below and I will make sure to get back to you. Tanning takes practice and you have to put some time aside to do it right. Make sure to let me know your thoughts and if you have any tanning tips leave them below. Thanks beautiful people !

Love and lashes



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