Caroline Hirons X Cloud 10 Beauty Event


To say I was excited to meet the beaut that is Caroline Hirons is a serious understatement. I have followed her for years. Not only is she a fountain of knowledge but also she is the best banter EVER! Caroline shoots straight from the hip but does it in such a way that you can't help but fall in love with her and truly trust everything she is saying. Its clear that her number one priority is getting the right product for your beauty dilemma. Regardless of the brands she works with she will recommend outside those brands to ensure you get the best possible outcome. 

I did my best to take notes but I stopped about half way through to just really listen to her. Thankfully, the lovely people at Cloud 10 forwarded me a YouTube recording of the whole event so I just wanted to share my key take aways:

  1. In Ireland some of the biggest issues we have are dehydrated skin and we are, in her words, " SPF shy."  I would completely agree. Having worked on counters across Ireland for 6 years these are two of the biggest challenges. Specifically with SPF, we think because we aren't bathing in the sunshine everyday we don't need SPF. Just because you can't see the sunshine doesn't mean you can't get pigmentation and sun damage. SPF is a crucial step. No excuses ... just do it. 
  2. Exfoliation is key. Now this doesn't mean getting the pot scrubber out and rip your skin off. Exfoliating in a kind manner is something that we really need to take note of. Caroline spoke a lot about acids as a form of exfoliation.  Now, I am not going to pretend to I know the science behind each acid but this is Carolines brief categorisation :
    1. Salicylic Acid- If spots/ blemuishes are your number 1 concern
    2. Lactic Acid- If you are super dry and flakey
    3. Glycolic Acid- If main concern is anti- ageing or just for general age maintenance
  3. SPF is created to stick to the skin so cleansing becomes even more important to properly cleanse the skin. We have all heard about double cleansing. Well Caroline has made it super simple. Working with Pixi she has created an all in one double cleanse. I have used this and loved it. 
  4. Hyaluronic acid is an important acid to work into your regime. It is a moisture binding ingredient that is going to keep the skin looking plump. I want me plenty of Hylauric!
  5. Vitamin A/ Retinal is also a crucial ingredient to slow the ageing process as it basically keeps the collagen and structure of the skin doing what it is supposed to do. 
  6. With your daily regime layer them from the thinnest of formulas to the thickest. I can't remember why she said to do this but she did... so just do it :) 

Caroline also listed the top 6 desert island products which I instantly went and purchased.


Number 1


Double Cleanse

PIXI X Caroline Hirons

Number 2


Facial Radiance Pads

First Aid Beauty

Number 3


Hyaluronic Serum

Pestle & Mortar

Number 4


Vitamin B Serum

Alpha H

Number 5


Hydro- Dynamic


Number 6


Moisturiser + SPF

Paula's Choice

I really hope Cloud 10 continue to do similar events. It was amazing to get to meet Caroline and hear her speak so passionately about what she does. You need to make sure you are following the fabulous Caroline on social media (@carolinehirons). Please go watch her insta highlight titled "IT'S A VULVA". It makes me laugh so much. Just shows, skincare doesn't have to be so serious ! Laugh and smile people! you look 100 times better than when you have a face like a slapped arse :)

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Image Business of Beauty Awards